Please read our Terms & Conditions before making a purchase from BeyondKairosSG.com
Be Legal
To buy from this site you must be of legal drinking age in Singapore. Please ensure that you are above 18 years of age. All deliveries must be received by persons aged 18 or above. We reserve the rights to request for a valid photo ID to verify recipient’s age. We reserve the right to reject your purchase if you appear intoxicated or are physically or verbally abusive to any of our team members.
Collection, Use And Disclosure Of Your Personal Data
We generally do not collect your personal data unless it is provided to us voluntarily by you; either by signing up with us on our website, through social media, through an authorised third party, or any partner we work with. We may collect and use your personal data for any or all of the following purposes: Perform our obligations in providing the service and product to you, responding to you, verifying your identity, gathering feedback, managing our relationships, sending you marketing information, and any other purpose for which you have provided your information. We rely on personal data provided by you to deliver a good quality experience. Please ensure that your personal data is current, complete and accurate and update us if there are changes to your information. You may choose to unsubscribe from our email list at any time. Please write in to WineTales@BeyondKairosSG.com to unsubscribe and allow us some time to update our records. Please note that some services provided to you may be impacted accordingly.